Foot Whispering by Angel-A
Angela McPherson has over 16 years of expertise in complimentary therapies. She is especially well known for how her Foot Whispering techniques has helped so many people in the Scottish Islands. For this reason she is often called the Island Foot Whisperer.
I have been doing Complementary Therapies since 2007, a range of therapies that promote a good sense of well being and help on a physical and emotional level but what I have been known for mostly is my association with the feet! I am a Pisces and didn’t really have a good relationship with feet until my adult years and training in reflexology and podiacare later on.
Both very enjoyable and sought-after therapies to help a range of health issues and for foot care. However, after qualifying as a reflexologist, I just felt there was something else to feet, something so much more than the foot map that we reflexologists train with. Then my adventures truly began as I discovered Foot Reading from the amazing and inspirational Jane Sheehan. This opened my eyes to so much more in how our feet, are not just a “pair of feet”. From then on, practice and study of the Language of the Feet from the amazing Chris Stormer Fryer at her workshops and seminars further filled my on going curiosity for feet and how there are so much more to them.
Over the past few years my spiritual journey began and over on the Isle of Lewis, at a Wellbeing evening event. Foot whispering was born and has developed into what it is now. Many say the eyes are the window to the soul – in that way, the feet (your feet) are your foundations which carry you on your foundations in life. Foot Whispering is a relaxing and unique experience which combines the therapeutic techniques of reflexology and insightful, intuitive foot reading and use of angel cards.
This creates a holistic treatment that taps into what is happening in your physical and spiritual self, with even some foot notes on occasions, from those loved ones who have passed or about those related to family, friends that are very much part of your foot print in life. Open your eyes to just how special your unique feet are and what they have stored since you started your sole (soul) journey in this life and where they are heading.
Nail polish colours, angel cards and health and well being advice are all part of the session. A unique inspiring session especially for you. After a session, you will have a spring in your step, feeling enlightened and with your head, heart and feet in total unison. Once tried, never forgotten. Foot whispering is very much person centred on the individual that at they are carrying. The sessions can be one hour, hour and a half and done also over zoom I just need a picture of your feet front and back.